The cost of being an outlier: “La Juive”, Fromenthal Halévy, Munich Opera Festival, July 4th, 2016

My first encounter with Fromenthal Halévy and La Juive in opera exploration adventure was approached with care: I have consciously avoided watching premiere streaming and tried to keep away from reviews, except occasional tweet from either enthusiastic or disappointed spectators. This might have paid off since I arrived for performance without any expectations. One of the […]

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Wishlist and plans for operatic adventures in 2016

Starting new year there are a lot of reviews of 2015 and just a few forward looking insights, thus I decided to put together my wishlist (or hopeful list) while absorbed in listening to Jonas Kaufmann singing Puccini at La Scala. Main unknowns yet are Munich Festspiele and Salzburg Festspiele ticket allocations which should come […]

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